of the correct answer.
1. How many toy pyramids can fill out the rectangular storage box, If the pyramid and rectangular
prism have the same base and height?
a. 1
b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

2. The volume of a cone is the volume of a cylinder with the same base area (B) and height (h).
a. 1/2 b. 1/3 c. 1/4
d. 1/5

3. The volume of the pyramid is the volume of the cylinder.
a. 1/2 b. 2/3
c. 1/3

4. What fraction of the volume of the rectangular prism is the volume of a pyramid having the same
base area (B) and height (h)?
a. 1/4 b. 1/3 c. 1/5
d. 1/2

5. To find the volume of a sphere, the formula is.
a. V= 4/3nr3 b. V=nrh C. V= LxWxH d. Ve Bxh

6. The formula for the volume of a cone is.
a. V= 1/3nr2
b. V= 2/3(2nr3) c. V=Bxh d. V= 1/3nrah

7. Which formula shall we use to find the volume of a pyramid?
a. V= Bxh
b. V= 4/3 r2 c. V= 1/3(LxWxH)
d. V= 1/3nrh

8. is the formula in solving the volume of a cube.
a. V=s3
b. V= 2/3(2nr3) C. V= 4/3nr d. V=1/2Bxh

9. Find the volume of a sphere with a diameter of 24mm.
a. 723.56mm b. 1,808.64mm c. 234mm3 d. 7,234.56mm

10. What is the volume of a cylinder with height of 10cm and radius of 5cm?
a. 500cm3 b. 50m c. 3,375cm3 d. 785cm

11. What is the volume of a square pyramid with height 4m and base edge 3m?
b. 24m3 c. 36m3 d. 48m

12. Find the volume of a cone with a radius of 2dm and a height of 12dm.
a. 502.4dm3 b. 5,024dm3 C. 50.24dm3 d. 24dm

13. How many liters of water will fill a rectangular pool 12cm long, 9cm wide and 15cm high?
a. 1,620cm3 b. 1,600cm
C. 162cm d. 160cm

14. What is the volume of a rubiks cube having a side length of 7dm?
a. 143dm3 b. 343dm3 c. 123dm3 d. 243dm
ter of 9cm and a helght of 9cm. What is its volume?
a. 12m3

15.A watermelon juice can has a diameter of a 9cm and height of 9cm. what is its volume

a.254.34cm3 b.81cm3 c.250cm3 d.254.3cm3​