Philippines Emu wa kulipul quale
Just because of the rich natural resources
And alte the Phillips an all ot on Frendly Fuplex
And we filipinos have world habit also
Singing is one of our hant
If you go to the Philippines, it better to sing
when they please you to sing
No matter how's your voice, Just sing with your heart
And also when you go to the Philippines
Avoid to insult one pilipino
Because when you moult one
you will make fight against all filipino
because we filipinos are like forest
went you cut one free
the other free we'll give you nothing
"Till" you say sorry, suct like planting new tree
And another thing to remember
Here in the Philippines
1h eact to pergave
put hard to forget.​

Sagot :


God is good all the time and I add magic door for the job well done MGA Bata nga Wala man mi nag away from the family nagpost ko KY nag offer c Ate Mishelle ASA Akira I can add you to the bereaved family and friends and family nagpost ko KY nag offer c Ate