Sagot :
BEGINNING STANCE — Feet together, hands down by the side in blades
CHEER STANCE — Feet more than shoulder, width apart, hands down by the side in blades
CLASP — Hands clasped, at the chin, elbows in
CLAP — Hands in blades, at the chin, elbows in
HIGH V — Arms extended up forming a “V”, relax the shoulders
LOW V — Arms extended down forming a “V”
TOUCHDOWN — Arms extended straight and parallel to each other, facing in
LOW TOUCHDOWN — Arms extended straight down and parallel to each other, facing in
FRONT LUNGE — Lead leg bent with the knee over the ankle, back leg straight, feet perpendicular to each other
BOW AND ARROW — One arm extended to the side with other arm bent at elbow in a half “T” motion
OVERHEAD CLASP — Arms are straight, above the in a clasp and slightly in front of the face
TABLETOP — Arms bent at elbow, fists in front of shoulders
LOW CLASP — Arms extended straight down, in a clasp and slightly in front of the body
PUNCH — One arm extended straight up, one arm on hip, in a fist
DIAGONAL — One arm extended in a high “V” and the other arm extended in a low “V”