17-20. Base your answer on the statement below.
There are 15 marbles in a container; 8 are blue, 4 are green, and 3 are yellow.
What is the probability of picking a:
17. green marbles?
A. 4/15 because out of the fifteen marbles, 4 are green.monts user
B. 1/4 because there are 4 green marbles
C. The probability of picking a red marble is 50%
D. It is impossible that a red marble will be picked
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18. white marble?
A. There is an even chance that a white marble will be picked. ait eusteqmod a singo
B. The probability of picking a black marble is 10%. soat student sont bib empob vnam
C. It is certain that a white marble will be picked.
D. It is impossible to pick a white marble
19.yellow marble?
A. The probability of picking up a yellow marble is 30%.
B. The probability of picking up a yellow marble is 20%
D. 40% is the probability of picking up a yellow marble.
C. 50% is the probability of picking up a yellow marble.
20. blue marble?
A. 12 because out of 15 marbles half of it is blue.
B. 8/15 because there are eight marbles.
C. 1/15 because there are fifteen marbles.
D. There is no probability that blue marble will be picked.