7-10 a. B. Choose the appropriate signal word to complete each sentence.
a for instance b. furthermore
c. nevertheless d. however
7. I want to visit other countries, Switzerland and France
. 8. Texting while driving is illegal, it is dangerous
9. Rosie was exhausted, she still opted to work overtime
. 10. Every Saturday, I go to the supermarket to buy my weekly supplies. these are not enough.
Itens 11-16
a. because b. since
c. therefore d. due to
11. he was extremely feeling hot and thirsty, Joseph drank two glasses of ice-cold water.
12. Melissa made an extra effort on her job, she got promoted.
13. Terrence trained hard for the EDDIS Meet he won the grand prize.
14. typhoon Ondoy, many lives were affected and many fields were devastated.
15. Mang Tommy passed out he skipped his breakfast before going to the farm. 16. My best friend really hates her father he left them.
C. Identify the effects of the following given causes by choosing the correct letter of your answer.
Items 17-20 o.
c Accordingly, the teacher rewarded them
. d. Tharefore, it sank.
a. This resulted in another car hit it.
b. Hence, he was sleepy the next day
. 17. The car ran a red light.
18. Ben stayed up late.
19. The students were quiet in class
. 20. The boat leaked.