Post- Test DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
1. What do you call the movement of the Earth on its axis?
A circulation B. direction
C. revolution D. rotation
2. How long does the Earth take to complete its rotation?
A. 1 month B. 1 day
C. 24 weeks D. 24 days
3. In what direction does the Earth move? A east to west B. north to west
C. south to north D. west to east
4. Which is true about the Sun?
A. The Earth rotates around it.
C. It is the farthest star to Earth.
B. The Earth revolves around it.
D. It rises in the west and sets in the east.
5. How many days does the Earth take to complete its revolution?
A. 365 B. 365 and 14
C.365 and 4 D. 364 and 14
6. Which is not true about the Earth? It A. revolves around the Sun
B. rotates on its axis in clockwise direction
C. revolves in counterclockwise direction
D. takes one day for the Earth to complete its rotation
7. If 2020 is a leap year, when will be the next?
A. 2021 B. 2022 C.2023 D. 2024
8. When does summer begin in the northern hemisphere?
A. March 21 or 22 C. September 21 or 22 B. June 21 or 22 D. December 21 or 22
9. How many hours does the Earth takes to complete its rotation?
A. 6 B. 12 C. 24 D. 48
10. What causes the day and night? Earth's A. rotation C. tilts on its axis B. revolution D. distance from the Sun​

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