hdu epics Ramayana and Mahabharata.
1. Directions: Identify what is being asked in the following statements. Arrange the given jumbled letters to reveal
the correct answer. (8 - 15)
(IKUBAK) 8. A form of traditional Japanese drama with highly stylized song, mime, and dance, now
performed only by male actors.
(UKAGGA)9. A classic court music imported from China during the 18th century.
(IRNO) 10. A vocal technique adapted from the chanting of joruri, implies a very sensitive a capacity
of riding the rhythms of shamisen (string instrument), declaiming each accompaniment.
(ATGAUNA) 11. The most popular shamisen music.
(HUGNJI) 12. A Chinese two-stringed instrument played with a bow.
(PAIQU) 13. Instrumental tunes that serve a wider range of purposes than arias.
(NGYAWA) 14. The puppets in the Indonesian theater play.
(DHANGLA) 15. The one who tells the stories of kings, princesses, ogres, and knights, using de
hand movement and narration in the Wayang Kulit.​