Learning Task 2: Write TRUE if the statement is true or FALSE if the statement is false. 1. Carbon is constantly recycled through ecosystems. 2. Plants take in nitrogen gas in the process of respiration 3. Soil is a major reservoir of carbon 4. A living forest is a carbon sink. 5. The carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere has leveled off since the year 2000 6. Greenhouse gases are like the glass walls and roof of a greenhouse. 7. Nitrogen is the second most abundant gas in the atmosphere after oxygen. 8. When organic remains decompose, their nitrogen is released into the atmosphere as nitrogen gas 9. Nitrogen from fertilizers prevents bacteria from growing in pond or lake water. 10. Plants can use nitrogen in the form of nitrates in the soil.​

Sagot :


1. True

2. False

3. True

4. True

5. True

6. True

7. True

8. True

9. True  

10. True

An explanation for no.1 - it is true because carbon is an essential element for life on Earth. The carbon cycle shows how atoms of carbon can exist within different compounds at different times and be recycled between living organisms and the environment. Carbon enters the atmosphere as carbon dioxide from respiration and combustion.

An explanation for no.2 - It’s false because, Nitrogen gas is plentiful in the atmosphere, but plants cannot use nitrogen in the gaseous form. To be useful to plants, nitrogen must be “fixed,” or converted into certain nitrogen compounds. ... Nitrifying bacteria oxidize the ammonia to nitrites and nitrates, which can be used by the next generation of plants.

An explanation for no.3 - it is true because, soil plays a key role in the ecosystem, economy, and global carbon cycle. After the oceans, the hummus is the largest carbon reservoir. ... Soil organic matter such as humus plays a key role in the global carbon cycle as it stores huge amounts of carbon and thus counters global warming.

An explanation for no.4 - it is true because a forest is considered to be a carbon sink if it absorbs more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases. Carbon is absorbed from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. It then becomes deposited in forest biomass (that is, trunks, branches, roots, and leaves), in dead organic matter (litter and deadwood), and soils.

An explanation for no.5 - it is true because the concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere is currently at nearly 412 parts per million (ppm) and rising. This represents a 47 percent increase since the beginning of the Industrial Age when the concentration was near 280 ppm and an 11 percent increase since 2000  when it was near 370 ppm.

An explanation for no.6 - it is true because a greenhouse is a building with glass walls and a glass roof. ... The greenhouse effect works much the same way on Earth. Gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, trap heat similar to the glass roof of a greenhouse. These heat-trapping gases are called greenhouse gases.

An explanation for no.7 - it is true because of gases. The most abundant naturally occurring gas is Nitrogen (N2), which makes up about 78% of air. Oxygen (O2) is the second most abundant gas at about 21%. The inert gas Argon (Ar) is the third most abundant gas.

An explanation for no.8 - it is true because nitrogen, or N, using its scientific abbreviation, is a colorless, odorless element. Nitrogen is in the soil under our feet, in the water we drink, and in the air, we breathe. In fact, nitrogen is the most abundant element in Earth’s atmosphere: approximately 78% of the atmosphere is nitrogen! Nitrogen is important to all living things, including us. It plays a key role in plant growth: too little nitrogen and plants cannot thrive, leading to low crop yields; but too much nitrogen can be toxic to plants. Nitrogen is necessary for our food supply, but excess nitrogen can harm the environment.

An explanation for no.9 - it is true because excess nitrogen can cause algae bloom, but it can also contaminate the water, which can affect fish. Fertilizing a pond with fish is part of good aquatic management and, when used appropriately, will increase overall pond health. It is best to use a fertilizer formulated for ponds or organic methods of feeding.

An explanation for no.10 - it is true because nitrate is the form of nitrogen most used by plants for growth and development. Nitrate is the form that can most easily be lost to groundwater. Ammonium taken in by plants is used directly in proteins. This form is not lost as easily from the soil.

hope this helps