key. 1. ACTIVITIES A. Practice Tasks Task 1: TRY IT OUT! Directions: Given some scenarios in delivering a speech, identify the principle of speech delivery that is being referred in each situation. 1. While delivering his speech, Antoine clinch his fist as he utters the line "We as a citizen, must fight together to stop poverty!". What principle of speech delivery did Antoine integrate? a. Posture b. Gesture c. Movement d. Articulation 2. In order to connect to your audience and have their full attention while delivering your speech, what principle of speech delivery should you use? a. Posture b. Gesture c. Eye contact d. Facial expression 3. During her speech delivery, Marie's voice is very soft to the point that her teacher who is seated at the backmost part of the classroom cannot hear some of the words she is saying. What principle of speech delivery is lacking? a. Rate b. Pitch c. Volume d. Fluency 4. Jean take three steps forward after she utters the line "You can become whatever you wanted to be". What principle of speech delivery did Jean used? a. Posture b. Gesture c. Movement d. Personal appearance 5. As part of their final performance in English 8, Roger was tasked to embody a doctor or health worker to deliver a speech to commemorate the effort of the frontliners during the pandemic. During his actual speech, Roger appeared to​