Facilitating Activities Activity 1. Supply the missing letters. Directions: Compete the word/concept by supplying the missing letters to make the word correct. 1. _ESE_RC_- as an effective writer of a persuasive paper, you must know both sides of an issue through this act. 2. E_PA_H_-Target your reader's' sensibilities by the use of emotional appeal. 3. LOGOS-a rhetorical technique which uses facts and logic as an appeal to convince the readers. 4. _U_IE_CE- In writing your paper, you must keep in mind who you are talking to, in order to make them agree with your position. 5. R_PH_ASI_G- This technique can be used in repeating one's point whe writing a persuasive paper. Activity 2. Identify Me! Directions: Determine what rhetorical appeal is applied in the given atements. Write E for Ethos, L for Logos, P for Pathos​