# FACT the statement is correct and write BLUFF the statement is income 11 Aber all parts are dusted lubricate all joints and oil tots with good quality of 12. When the machine has been thoroughly deaned and oiled run a seady for severar minutes to allow the oil to work on its moving parts. 13. Remove all the parts that are involved when you are going to dean the sewing 14 Perfect machine stitching is simple to accomplish if you position the machine correctly 15 Remove the needle, if there is any This will prevent the danger of seeing into the fingers dunng cleaning. 16. The most common accident in sewing are those caused by sharp objects like needles, ping and scissors 17. It is alnight not to unplug sewing machine when you are not using it 18. Keep the machine covered when not in use. 19. Use the cheapest threads when sewing 20. Use wet cloth to wipe dry spilled oils.
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