Directions: Discuss some advantages and disadvantages of drinking alcoholic beverages. Your answer will be graded based on the rubrics below.
(alcoholic beverages​

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1. It's Linked to Better Heart Health

  • Some types of alcohol are better protectants than others — red wine, for instance, has a high concentration of polyphenols called resveratrol that are linked to helping prevent coronary heart disease, according to the Mayo Clinic.

2. It's Linked to Helping Prevent Chronic Diseases

  • When coupled with a healthy, well-balanced diet like the Mediterranean Diet, for instance, low-to-moderate wine intake can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation.

3. It's Tied to Better Cognitive Function

  • Drinking moderately is tied to better brain health in older adults.

4. Beer, Specifically, Might Help Your Gut

  • For instance, a November 2019 review in Metabolites suggests that as a fermented drink, beer contains polyphenols, such as ferulic acid, xanthohumol, catechins, epicatechins and proanthocyanidins, that may help support the gut microbiome.


1. It Can Cause Organ Damage

  • The drawbacks of alcohol appear when you turn moderate drinking to heavy or binge drinking.

2. It's Tied to Cancer

  • Research has linked alcohol to a number of cancers, including breast, liver and colon cancers.

3. It's Associated With Osteoporosis

  • While osteoporosis, which is characterized by low bone mineral density, is usually more apparent in older adults, drinking too much alcohol in early adulthood can inhibit young adults from reaching their peak bone mass.

4. It's Tied to Weight Gain

  • Drinking too much alcohol can lead to weight gain, given that it serves up seven calories per gram and offers little, if any, nutrients along with it.

5. It Lowers Your Inhibitions

  • In excess, alcohol can cause alcohol poisoning, a medical emergency that can be fatal resulting from high blood alcohol levels.

6. It Can Dehydrate You

  • Drinking alcohol actually promotes dehydration. Because alcohol increases your urine production, your body begins to eliminate more liquid than you're taking in through drinking. The more alcohol you consume, the greater your risk of becoming dehydrated.