nas PHYSICAL EDUCATION For items 21-30, write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect. CO S. 1 21. Physical activity does not require energy expenditures and produce progressive health benefits. 22. The meaning of M to SMART guide goal setting is momentum. 23. Intensity is the duration of the length of the activity, such as 40 minutes of exercise must be performed to be effective. 24. Ati-atihan festival dance characterized by movements showing reverence to a religious icon believed to have interceded in their personal life. 25. A long-term goal does not require time and planning 26. Exercise is a type of physical activity that requires planned, structure, and repetitive bodily movement to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness, 27. Festivals dances help improve physical wellness. 28. Festival dances draw the people's culture by portraying the people's way of life through movements. 29. Exercise program is a planned activity detailing a range of written exercises. 30. Frequency refers to the number of exercises per week; for example, three to five times per week.