Supply the missing coordinating conjunction to complete the sentences below. F (for) A (and) N (nor) B (but) o (or) Y (yet) S (so) 16. She says that she loves to eat rice, she gets only a cup for every meal. 17. You must try making a list of items when going to a supermarket, it will help you reduce impulse buying. 18. Food wastage is a worldwide epidemic, everybody should help to reduce it. 19. Rice is the main staple food in the country, it provides income to farmers. 20. The massive food waste problem needs solution, - we must stop leaving few grains of rice on our plate. 21. Let us stop food wastage, just accept human hunger. 22. According to news, food waste in the Philippines is on the rise others are unaware in doing so. 23. Our country has a goal in minimizing food waste, it is raising awareness among businesses and consumers. 24. Millions of Filipinos cannot afford to three square meals a day, the growing middle class in our country has food in abundance. 25. Our government has projects to reduce food waste, our government needs our cooperation.