1. How are you going to locate exact places on Earth? One must
look at__________________.
A. the lines of latitude only
B. the lines of longitude only
C. a neighboring area to describe the location
D. the intersecting lines of latitude and longitude.
2. When measuring the lines of latitude, always begin with the
__________, which represents 0 degrees.
A. equator B. longitude C. north pole D. prime
3. What is an imaginary line that divides the places on the
earth in an EAST-WEST direction?
A. equator B. latitude C. longitude D.
prime meridian
4. What is the largest body of water located near the
A. Indian Ocean C. Pacific Ocean
B. Philippine Sea D. South China Sea
5. What is this red line on the globe shown below?
A. equator C. prime meridian
B. eastern hemisphere D. western hemisphere
6. What are these lines shown on a globe below?
A. equator C. longitude
B. latitude D. prime meridian
7.When measuring the lines of longitude, always begin with
the_______, which represents 0 degrees.
A. equator B. latitude C. prime meridian D.
south pole
8. Janus has fishing vessels with licenses to sail in any
Philippine waters. Where might he NOT be able to legally sail?
A. Celebes Sea B. Dead Sea C. South China Sea D. Sulu
9. Why Philippines is called an archipelago? It is because it
A. is surrounded by different bodies of water
B. is considered rich in natural resources
C. is located near the equator
D. has mineral deposits
10. When plotting or finding coordinates, which do you find
A. Equator C. Longitude
B. Latitude D. Prime Meridian
11. Which directions do lines of latitude measure?
A. East and West C. North and West
B. North and South D. South and East
12. Which is NOT true about the Equator? It ______.
A. measures 0 degrees
B. is the major line of Latitude
C. is the major line of Longitude
D. separates the Earth into the Northern and Southern
13. Which term means half of the Earth?
A. climate B. globe C. grid D.
14. How many degrees are there in one hemisphere?
A. 90
0 B. 120
0 C. 180
0 D. 360
15. Which is the correct order for
A. either way C. latitude, longitude
B. latitude, equator D. longitude, latitude