1. A wind vane tells what component of weather?
A.wind direction B.wind speed C wind temperature
2. what instrument news about the speed of the wind?
A.barometer B.thermometer C.anemomether
3. what is the news about weather called?
A.metorology b.weather forecast c.weatherman
4. what instrument measures the temperature of the air?
a thermometer b.anemometer c.windvane
5.during a stormy weather how does an anemometer spin it's cup?
a slow b.moderately c.very fast
6.it measure the amount of rain poured in a certain period of time.
a.anemometer b.wind vane c.rain gauge
7.which of these tells there is an approaching storm?
a. dark clouds and cold air
b.gentle wind and rain shower
c.strong wind​