- 1. BANE - it's true that certain video games can improve hand–eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and the mind's ability to process information. but too much video game playing may cause problems and kids who play violent video games might act more aggressively.
- 2. BOON - social networking sites are a boon. It depends on how we use them, whether to improve ourselves or to degrade. but children and teenagers must be guided by their guardians because they can easily be manipulated and affected by cyber threats.
- 3. yes vaccinate before exposure, your child comes into contact with many other children at school, from gate to inside of school they may be exposed to hundreds of other children and all their accompanying germs. there are coughs sneezes shared drinks and high-fives, all of which can transmit germs from one student to another. then of course these germs can end up in your home and on-time vaccination throughout childhood is essential because it helps provide immunity before children are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases.
hope it helps !! module well <3