Formulate WH-Questions wherein answers are the underlined words. Choose only the

letter of the correct answer.

_____ 23. I am going to MOA tomorrow for my scheduled vaccination.

a.What are you doing there? C. When will you go there?

b.How are you going to get there? D. Who is going to be with you?

_____ 24. My parents are going with me too in going to MOA.

A.What are you doing there? C. When will you go there?

B.How are you going to get there? D. Who is going to be with you?

_____ 25. They gonna have their shots too.

A.What are they gonna do there? C. When will you go there?

B.How are you going to get there? D. Who is going to be with you?

_____ 26. We are just hoping that there will be MODERNA or PFIZER vaccines available.

A.What are they gonna do there? C. What brand of vaccines are available?

B.How are you going to get there? D. Who is going to be with you?

_____ 27. But if there will be none, any vaccines available will do. It is better than nothing.

A.What if your desired vaccines are not available? C. When will you go there?

B.How are you going to get there? D. Who is going to be with you?

_____ 28. Let’s hope that no adverse effects will take place after we receive the shot.

A.What are they hoping for? C. When will you hope for?

B.What are you hoping for after taking the shot? D. Who is going to be with you?