A Briefly discuss the effects of winds 1. Elects of wind to sea during signal no 1 2. Ellects of wind to plants during signal no. 3. 3. Effects of wind to infrastracture during signal no.5.

1.When any Public Storm Warning Signal Number is hoisted or put in effect for the first time, the corresponding meteorological conditions are not yet prevailing over the locality
2.The delineation of areas for a given signal number is based on the intensity, size of circulation and the forecast direction and speed of movement of the tropical storm or typhoon at the time of issue of the warning bulletin. The change in intensity, size of circulation or movement of the tropical cyclone also determines the change in the PSWS number over a given locality.
3. 5 warns not only of extremely strong winds but also of the possibility of big waves (more than 14 meters at open sea) and storm surges of more than three meters in affected coastal areas. Signal No. 5 urges residents to beware of widespread damage to structures, particularly old and dilapidated homes and buildings