ACTIVITY 13: Types of Plagiarism

Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is True, F if otherwise. Write your
answer on your answer sheet.

1. Direct plagiarism happens when you borrow an essay made by your best friend and
then submit it as your own work.

2. Mosaic plagiarism happens when you borrow an essay made by your best friend and
then submit it as your own work.

3. Self-plagiarism happens when you hand in an essay for one subject that you have
already submitted for another.

4. Direct plagiarism is committed when you download an article from the internet and
submit it to your teacher.

5. Accidental plagiarism happens when you copy down exact sentences or paragraphs
from others' work.

6. Direct plagiarism is committed when you have read an idea that you really like and put
it in your own essay.

7. Accidental plagiarism happens when you have unintentionally come up with sentence
related to others.

8. Mosaic plagiarism happens when you copy every line of others work.

9. Self-plagiarism is committed when you find a great source for research on the internet
then put it on your essay.

10. Accidental plagiarism happens when you take information from an outside source and
presenting it as your own.​