7. On a globe, the Equator is the
A. Horizontal, center line
C. Vertical, center line
B. 30 degree line
D. 180 degree line
8. Which of the following are numbers measured with respect to a system of lines
or some other fixed reference?
A. Coordinate
B. Equator
C. Coordinate system
D. Prime meridian
9. Which of the following is a way of locating points by labeling them with
numbers called coordinates?
A. Coordinate
B. Coordinate system
C. Equator
D. Prime meridian
10. Which of the following is the imaginary line circling the Earth halfway between
north and south poles?
A. Coordinate
B. Coordinate system
C. Equator
D. Prime meridian
11. Which of the following is the great circle on Earth's surface passing through
the North and South Poles, which is considered 0 degrees longitude?
A. Coordinate
B. Equator
C. Coordinate system
D. Prime meridian
12. Which of the following is the imaginary lines on a map or globe that measure
distance in degrees north or south of the equator?
A. Longitude
B. Latitude
C. Equator
D. Prime meridian
13. Imaginary lines on a map or globe that measure distance in degrees east or
west of the prime meridian?
A. Longitude
B. Equator
C. Latitude
D. Prime meridian
14. Which of the following lines of latitude is the Philippines found?
A. Arctic
B. Tropic of Capricorn
C. Antarctic
D. Tropic of Cancer
15. Which of the following divides the earth into northern and southern
A. Longitude
C. Latitude
C. Equator
D. Prime meridian​

Sagot :











7. The plane of the equator is an imaginary horizontal line that cuts the earth into two equal halves.

9. To help us locate places on the earth's surface, we use a coordinate system.

10.The equatoris the imaginary primary reference line drawn around the earth halfway between the north and south poles.

11.The Equator is the longest circle of latitude and is the only circle of latitude which also is a great circle.

12.Latitude are imaginary reference lines that form complete circles around the earth parallel to the equator and parallel to each other.

13.Longitude is the measurement east or west of the prime meridian.

15.Equator, or line of 0 degrees latitude, divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

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