Secant method code example for excel vba

Sagot :


Here is a VBA user-defined function (UDF) that implements the Secant method:

Function Secant(X0 As Double, X1 As Double) As Double

' Returns the root of a function of the form F(x) = 0

' using the Secant method.

' X1 is a first guess at the value of x that solves the equation

' X0 is a "previous" value not equal to X1.

' This function assumes there is an external function named FS that

' represents the function whose root is to be solved

Dim X As Double 'the current guess for root being sought

Dim Xold As Double 'previous guess for root being sought

Dim DeltaX As Double

Dim Iter As Integer 'iteration counter

Const Tol = 0.00000001 'convergence tolerance

Xold = X0

X = X1

'permit a maximum of 100 iterations

For Iter = 1 To 100

DeltaX = (X - Xold) / (1 - FS(Xold) / FS(X))

X = X - DeltaX

If Abs(DeltaX) < Tol Then GoTo Solution

Next Iter

MsgBox "No root found", vbExclamation, "Secant result"


Secant = X

End Function

As you can see, you must provide a function FS that is the function you desire the root of. I used the following function for my test of Secant:

Function FS(X As Double) As Double

'Example function cubic equation

FS = X^3 - X - 1

End Function

and I used Secant to solve this by entering it into a cell like this:


where 1.4 and 1.3 are the two "previous" (guess) values for x. I got a result of 1.324718, which is


i just saw it ^^"v