SCIENCE 7- Quarter 3
Summative Assessment 4: Heat
PART 1. WRITTEN WORKS - 15 points (50%)
A Multiple Choice.
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank before the number.
1. Which instrument measures the hotness or coldness of an object?
A. anemometer B. barometer
C. thermometer D. voltmeter
2. Which is NOT a method of heat transfer?
A. conduction B. convection C. insulation
D. radiation
3. How does heat transfer? Heat always moves from places of high temperature to places
A. of higher temperature
C. with the same temperature
B. of lower temperature
D. none of these
4. Which of the following situations is heat transferred through conduction?
A Warm air rises as the cold air sinks.
B. Meat is roasted over the burning charcoal.
C. The sun heats the surface of the bodies of water.
D. The spoon becomes hotter when placed in a glass of hot water.
5. When you put your hand above a lighted candle, your hand feels the warm air. But whe
you put your hand at the side of the lighted candle, you did not feel so warm. What is a
explanation for this observation?
A hot air is heavier and rises C. hot air is lighter and rises
B. hot air is heavier and sinks D. hot air is lighter and sinks​