_______1. It is the art and science of applying sanitary, biological and scientific knowledge. A. environmental sanitation C. sanitation
B. environment D. pollution
_______2. Which of the following can absorb noise?
A. trees B. water C. land D. television
_______3. Which of the following is NOT true about noise pollution?
A. It can cause hearing problem.
B. It has harmful effects to human.
C. It has bad impacts to the environment.
D. It can make people always alert and safe.
_______4. Shane is watching horror movie on her laptop. The sound was loud and distracting to her family. What should she do to prevent the noise?
A. She must stay inside her bedroom. B. She must stay outside the house. C. She must use an earphone.
D. She must go on watching.
_______5. During your online class you noticed that your neighbors are always noisy. Some kids are playing, others are turning on their appliances in a loud mode and some are shouting out loud. What is the best thing to do to stop this?
A. just neglect them to avoid chaos
B. close all the windows and doors
C. use earphone & hide in your room D. report this to your barangay officials