1. Sheila decides to conduct a study on cosmetics. She wanted to know the

preference of make-up used by adolescents, young adult, middle adult and the

late adult women. The research design of her study would be:

A. Correlational B. Descriptive C. Experimental D. Qualitative

2. Peter wanted to know the relationship between the level of anxiety experienced

during examinations and the exam performance among the Senior High School

Students in Rizal Memorial High School. The type of research design utilized is:

A. Causal-Comparative C. Experimental

B Correlational. D. Qualitative

3. Mike randomly grouped the participants into two and tested the effects of his new

product towards their endurance. His study uses this type of research design:

A. Correlational B. Causal-comparative C. Experimental D. Survey

4. What design of research is appropriate if the researcher wished to determine the

cause and effect relationship and the cause already exist and cannot be


A. Causal-comparative B. Correlational C. Experimental D. Historical

5. Clarice wanted to conduct a research that will delve into knowing the effects of

post-traumatic experiences of pregnant women after giving birth?

A. Causal-comparative B. Experimental C. Historical D. Phenomenological

6. It is a combination of quantitative and qualitative method.

A. Causal- comparative B. Experimental C. Mixed-method D. Survey​