Activity 3: Draw and Solve the figures
1. A gir of height 150 cm stands in front of a lamp-post and casts a shadow of length 150 V3 cm on the ground. Find the
angle of elevation of the top of the lamp-post.
2. A flag is hung 22 meters up a flagpole. As the flag is raised, the angle of elevation from a point 21 meters away from the
base of the flagpole to the flag is 74º. Find the increase in height of the flag giving the answer to two decimal places.
3. Brian's kite is flying above a field at the end of 65 m of string. If the angle of elevation to the kite measures 70°, how high is
the kite above Brian's head?
4.From an airplane at an altitude of 1200 m, the angle of depression to a building on the ground measures 28°. Find the
distance from the plane to the building.
5. A man flies a kite and lets out 100 feet of string. The angle of elevation of the string is 52 degree. How high off the ground
is the kite? How far away is the man from the spot directly under the kite?​