give at least 5 good and 5 bad effects of greenhouse in the atmosphere.

-The greenhouse effect helps earth maintain a decent temperature that makes this planet habitable.
-The greenhouse gases also ensure that we are not fried by the sun’s heat by absorbing some percentage of the radiation.
-They block those parts of the solar radiation which are harmful to our existence and bounce them back into the atmosphere.
-Benefits of greenhouse gases for photosynthesis.
-They have been of vital importance in maintaining our planet’s water level.
-As the volume of greenhouse gases is increasing with more burning of fossil fuels, etc, its is contributing to an increase in the planet’s average temperature and climate.
-As the average temperature of the earth is steadily increasing, the polar ice caps are rapidly undergoing a melt down.
-Destruction of marine life.
-Extreme weather, food supply disruptions, and increased wildfires are other effects of climate change caused by greenhouse gases.
-They cause climate change by trapping heat, and they also contribute to respiratory disease from smog and air pollution.