How does Catholic prepare for a happy merriage?

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Suppose you’re a young woman or man somewhere between the ages of 15 and 35, and you want to know what you can do now to set yourself up for a happy marriage. How do you know if someone is good “marriage material”? Are there dating behaviors that correlate with a better future marriage? If I could take you out for coffee, sit down with you for an hour and share my best advice, here’s what I’d tell you.

Pray and grow spiritually. First off, I’d encourage you to become the best you you can be by growing close to God. Dedicate time every day to a regular practice of daily prayer. Make sure to go to Mass every week, more often if possible. Go to confession regularly (maybe monthly), and seek out spiritual reading, talks by Catholic speakers, and info on Catholic radio. Work on growing in the virtues you specifically need. This will help you be a stronger Catholic and better person. Prepare yourself to be the best gift you can be to your future husband or wife.
Financial Peace University St. Anne September 2014 column Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraphs 1601–1666 National Marriage Project natural family planning
Ask these important questions. When you’re dating someone, ask yourself: “Is this the man I want to be my kids’ dad?” “Would this woman make a good mom?” “Can this man or woman sacrifice their own preferences for the greater good of another?” If you can answer yes, then this is exactly the kind of person who will help you build an amazing marriage and thriving family!