1. It is a collection of data done by the investigator who makes the research.

A. Primary data
B. Secondary data
C. Interview method
D. Observation method

2. Which of the following is an example of questionnaire method in gathering data?

A. Please check the mobile network provider that you are currently using.

B. What is your height and weight?

C. The investigator observes the behavior of the traffic enforcer on the street.

D. Record on the registered vehicles in the LTO

3. A collection of data done by another person rather than the researcher himself.

A. Primary data
B. Secondary data
C. Interview method
D. Observation method


5. A sampling technique that gives every individual or element in the population to be chosen in the study.

A. Systematic B. Stratified
C. Random D. Cluster

6. Which the following is an example of interview method?

A. Please check the mobile network provider that you currently using

B. What is your height and weight?

C. The investigator observed the behavior of the traffic enforcer on the street

7. The the following are examples of primary data EXCEPT one.

A. Diaries B. Testimonies
C. Autobiography D. Books

8. Which of the following is an example of registration method?

A. Please check the mobile network provider that you are currently using

B. What is your height and weight?

C. The investigator observes the behavior of the traffic enforcer on the street

D. Record on the registered vehicles in the LTO

9. Which of the following is an example of secondary data?

A. Agency
B. Census
C. Statistical reports
D. All of the above

10. Given the population size of N=8,000 and margin error e=3%, find the sample size.

A. 796 B. 697
C. 976 D. 975​