what is the difference between visible line and hidden line?​

Sagot :


what is the difference between visible line and hidden line?


{ Based on solid figures and things }

Let us know what are visible and hidden lines ⬇️

  • Hidden Lines are usually kept on a drawing. Just like solid figures. The inside of having a 3d dimension you can see hidden lines and these are this example: ( - - - - - ). they have different gaps and length. It is referable on how the artist want to draw his/her art using hidden lines. But most often hidden lines has a gap of 1/16 and a length of 1/8.

  • Visible lines are also used in drawing things and stuff. Let's also example a solid figure. It is often a sketch of something, where the artist is referring or drawing with a weight and a straight line on the pen/pencil. These are the example: ( _____ ) As you can see it is a straight and well vision line compared to the hidden line.

Difference for both lines: ⬇️

  1. Hidden lines have gaps not like visible line
  2. Visible lines have weight when writing not like hidden line
  3. Visible lines are mostly visible and more thick compared to the hidden line


Sore ga yakunitateba saiwai! (hope it helps) :)

