3. It is an assertion used by the writer to express an opinion about a certain issue.
A. discussion
B. explanation
C. reaction
D. stand
4. What type of text is used to influence the readers to accept or agree to the opinion or
assertion of the writer?
A. expository
B. descriptive
C. narrative
D. persuasive
5. The following are important tips in giving reaction to assertions, EXCEPT:
A. Analyze the stand of the wrder.
C. Read and understand the text.
B. Disregard supporting details.
D. State the reaction clearly.
6. The following expressions are used to introduce a reaction to a stand or assertion,
A. Too bad..
C. Some people say...
B. I agree with you..
0. That's a good point, but..
7. Which of the following sentences expresses an assertion?
A. COVID-19 cases are increasing daily.
B. The government presents its plan for the vaccine roll out.
C. At first, two vaccines are authorized and recommended for use.
D. This new normal is the best time for parents and teachers to work hand-in-hand.
8. Which is an appropriate reaction to this assertion?
Statement: It is perfectly logical to focus the vaccination program in NCR, the
center of COVID,
A. Are you sure? Let's see.
B. Yes, the program has already begun.
C. In fact, it has already started in the provinces and cities outside Manila.
D. Absolutely! Vaccination program must be focused first on areas where cases are
9. Personally, I strongly believe that online modality in the remote areas is not the
best option for distance learning. What does the statement imply?
D. revelation
C. reaction
B. explanation
A. assertion​