Change the verbs into past progressive continuous) tense form. 1. While ! (walk) to school, it began to rain. 2. I didn't hear the phone ring because I (have) shower 3. The ink was gone while ! (print) my SIPacks, 4. While ! (do) my homework my father came home. 5. When Christine called Mark last night, he (study) 6. I saw Mark at the canteen during lunchtime yesterday. He (line) up for food. 7. While ! (wash) the dishes last night, I (drop) a plate. 8. When the teacher walked into the classroom, the students (talk) to each other. 9. I turned the radio on while I. (make) dinner 10. Last night while we (watching) an exciting program, the electricity (go) out. English 10 03 wk5 / Page 1 of 5