Rhea would love to be a teacher someday though her sibling discouraged her to be one. But Rhea was persistent. In fact, when she was ten years old, Rhea would gather the little children in the neighborhood in her house. There they She would bring them to the barn would and learn new things. With some pieces of chalk she huddle requested from her father who was a teacher, Rhea would write syllables, He and words on the door of the barn. Then, she would also teach the little children how to read the printed words and how to count add and subtract. Aside from this, she would also teach them songs and poems she learned in school. Counting, adding, and subtracting were always part of her day's session.
1. What was Rhea's ambition?
2. What does Rhea love to do?
3. Whathave you noticed with the words written in bold letters?
4.Do you get the meaning of the selection right away and clearly?