Compose a persuasive essay with at least 6 sentences for this topic "Wearing a Facemask
Should be Mandatory".

Sagot :


Topic: Wearing a facemask should be mandatory

Introduction: The importance of wearing a facemask is overlooked by a majority of the people not only in the philippines, but also in a lot of foreign states.

Body: The reason why facemasks are so important and should be mandatory is because it keeps not only yourself safe, but also the people you come across on a daily basis and also the people you love very dearly that you interact with every hour. It is also very important because if everyone wears a mask and follows protocol, we will be able to stop the spread of the virus and also prevent future mutations and further intensification of the strength of the virus. Once we are able to stop the virus from further spreading, the sooner we can rebuild and recover from the damage and hardships that the virus has cause billions of people. We can fix the damage it has caused on our economy if only we can all work together and follow the protocols set by the government to stop the spread of this virus.

Conclusion: In conclusion it should be mandatory to wear a facemask so that we can finally get out if this situation that we are at this moment in time. The impact that wearing a facemask has with our fight against this virus is unfathomable and if every single person in this world just wore a facemask and observed protocol, then we'll all be able to break out of this situation and finally be able to start rebuilding and recovering from the damage that the virus has done.