HADUKENSHISHIMATUGO HADUKENSHISHIMATUGO Math Answered Find P70: 35 42 40 28 15 23 33 20 18 2723283335Eighty-five percent of the data set falls above 15th percentile .True FalseMaybeThere are 100 score points that divide a distribution into 100 equal partsTrueFalseMaybeArrange the score in ascending order: 1 27 16 7 31 7 30 3 21a. 1 3 7 7 16 21 27 31 30b. 1 3 7 7 16 21 27 30 31c. 1 3 7 7 16 21 27 31 31d. 1 3 7 7 16 21 21 30 31