A. Read and analyze each item. Choose the correct letter from the given choices. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

1. Which of the following does NOT show a safety and health practices in making electrical gadgets?
A. Wear appropriate clothes
B. Follow the correct procedure
C. Work in well-ventilated area D. Put tools and materials anywhere

2. Khael wants to make an extension cord. Which of the following tools and materials he needed?
A. Pliers, electrical tape, plug, outlet
B. Pliers, electrical tape, plug, buzzer
C. Plug, wire stripper, pliers, electrical tape
D. Pliers, wire cutter, light bulb, electrical tape

3. When constructing plug, which of the following is the last you should do?
A. Remove the screw of the plug
B. Put the cover of plug and screw it correctly.
C. Read the label in the plug to know what wires to connect. D. Put individual wires to its proper position in the terminals.

4. As a pupil, why is it important to follow the safety and health practices when working on electrical gadget? A. To avoid accident
B. To lessen the time of work C. To produce more gadgets D. To have an extra income

5. Jose assign to organize the program in school but the source of electricity is far from the place. What electrical gadget he needs?
A. plug
B. doorbell
C. lampshade
D. extension cord ​