Additional Tasks
Task 1: Snap Your Fingers
A student snapped her fingers for 30 seconds, rested for 5 seconds, and then
snapped again for 30 seconds. She did this every day for a week and the following
data were generated:
First Second 1. In what ways can you organize and graphically display the data
Set of Set of to help you interpret it?
2. What conclusions can you draw from examining the data?
86 64
3. What mathematical terms can you use to summarize the sets of
data? Write a summary statement using mathematical terms.
70 55
4. What factors could affect the number of times the student was
78 62 able to snap her fingers during each 30-second period?
45 5. Make a prediction as to how many times you can snap your
72 fingers for 60 seconds with a 5-second rest period after 30 seconds.
6. Add to the data sets by snapping your fingers for 60 seconds with
a 5-second rest period after 30 seconds.
7. Graph the new data sets and compare your results.
Adapted frorn Exploring Statistics in the Elementary Gradea book Two by C. Berpska, C.H. Bolster, LC. Bolster and Dr. R.
Scheaffter 1999 by Dale Seymour Publications. Used by permission of Pearson Education, Inc.
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