Based on what you have read and underatood from the readings above,describe in the importance of the following in showcasing the richness of ones culture and arts:


Sagot :


❚❚ There is the challenge of inequality of access to arts

and culture. While acknowledging the very important

ways that social inequalities limit access, the report also

notes that much debate about inequalities is built upon

a narrow definition of arts and culture, seeing it through

hierarchies of taste or public funding and operating with

what has been called a ‘deficit model’. The report widens

the definition to include more informal participation,

commercial and amateur activities. Black, Asian and

minority ethnic cultural practice and consumption have

been particularly marginalised when discussing cultural value

and participation.

❚❚ This is bound up with the question of modes of

engagement, and the report stresses that engagement

takes place in a variety of settings that include purpose-built

cultural buildings, small-scale adapted spaces, institutions

such as care institutions and prisons, and most commonly

the home and the virtual space of the internet. Indeed, the

home is where most engagement with cultural activities

takes place and yet it is virtually ignored in discussions about

their impact.

❚❚ The conversation also requires far more consideration

of the growth of digital technologies, which not only

provide new ways for people to connect with cultural

institutions but also new ways to experience commercial

culture, for example through downloading and streaming

music and film. The distinction between producer and

consumer has also become much less clear with the rise of

co-production and user-generated content.

A fundamental theme underpinning all discussions about

the value of engagement with arts and culture is what we

know, what we don’t know and the sources of our knowledge.

The challenge of methodologies and evidence is a major

focus of the report, running through all the substantive

discussions as well as being the subject of a major dedicated

chapter. Identifying what happens in cultural experiences is

not an easy task. The Cultural Value Project has played an

important role in advancing thinking about how to capture as

well as understand cultural value, but methodologies are not

applicable abstractions to be followed like a recipe, and this

report does not seek to offer a toolkit for cultural value.

❚❚ Funders are currently seen as the principal drivers of

evaluation: the report calls for the wider application of

evaluation as a tool within the cultural sector itself,

rather than as something carried out just for accountability

purposes. Formative and participatory evaluation, as

opposed to summative evaluation at the end, needs

more attention if it is to play a role in helping cultural

organisations and practitioners learn from their activities

and their audiences.

❚❚ The report questions the hierarchy of evidence that sees

experimental methods and randomised controlled trials

as the gold standard, even in areas where these cannot

effectively be applied due to the difficulty in isolating

variables in complex situations. Qualitative research (with

the depth that it gives) need not be less rigorous than

quantitative, experimental studies (with the breadth

that they provide). It does, however, operate with different

criteria of rigour. Qualitative research is far more suited to

certain research purposes, and quantitative research is better

suited to others. The issue is the character of the knowledge

and understanding that is being sought, because each

approach will have its own benefits and drawbacks. The

report shows that they may fruitfully be combined.

❚❚ Rigorous case studies are valid and important evidence

notwithstanding the difficulties of scaling them up.Using

in-depth, case-study evidence is one of the characteristic

strengths of the arts and humanities, and of what they bring

to society’s knowledge and understanding.

❚❚ Too much evaluation of the effects of arts and culture does

not meet the necessary standards of rigour in specification

and research design, especially but not only in the use of

qualitative methods. The high research standards visible

in many of the studies upon which this report draws

needs to become much more the norm across both

research and evaluation.

❚❚ A wide range of methodologies are being used to

research and to evaluate the effects of arts and cultural

engagement and they are explored in the report: social

science research methods, approaches from economics,

the application of ethnography and network analysis, artsbased

and hermeneutic methods, and approaches from

science and medicine.


