Ano Ang pagkakaiba ng rhythmic ostinato sa melodic ostinato

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Ostinato (plural – ostinati or ostinatos) is an Italian word meaning obstinate or persistent and is used in music to describe a musical phrase or rhythm that is repeated persistently. The repeated pattern could be a melody, a figure in the bass – called a basso ostinato or simply a repeated rhythmic idea. An ostinato may be played for an entire piece of music or just during one section. The key aspect to remember in the definition of an ostinato is that it is a pattern that is repeated persistently in a piece of music.


A rhythmic ostinato is a rhythmic pattern that is persistently repeated.

It will often be played on an untuned percussion instrument (e.g. snare drum, triangle, etc..).

However, rhythmic ostinati can also be found in parts played on pitched instruments where the note pitch stays the same or where the pitches change as the phrase is repeated.

The key characteristic is that it is the rhythm that is persistently repeated


hope it helps.