how can good soil structure be maintained/developed​

Sagot :


The term "soil structure" refers to the arrangement of sand, silt, and clay particles in relation to one another.

Clay, humus, and calcium bind the sand and silt particles to form aggregates (small clumps) in a well-structured soil. The vast holes between the aggregates (macropores) allow for the circulation of water and air and the growth of plant roots into the soil. The tiny vacant holes (micropores) store the water required by the plants. Granular, or crumbly, is the term used to describe this "perfect" structure.

Granular soils provide a variety of advantages:

  • a good reservoir of water and nutrients
  • adequate drainage
  • adequate aeration
  • formation of a healthy plant root system
  • The dirt is simple to deal with.
  • In the spring, the earth rapidly warms.
  • soil with a high level of biological activity
  • The soil is resistant to erosion and compacting

Rarely do clay, sandy, or silty soils have a perfect structure. They may, however, be enhanced by including changes.

  • Sandy soils

Regularly adding organic matter in the form of compost or composted manure may help improve the structure of sandy soils. It is preferable to incorporate these amendments into the soil in the early spring since treating sandy soils in the autumn encourages erosion. Adding basalt to these soils may help them retain more water and minerals.

  • Soils composed of clay

Clay soils may be improved by adding organic matter in the form of compost or composted manure. It is recommended that these additives be worked into the soil in late autumn. Sand may also be added to poorly drained clay soils.

Certain clay soils have an excessive amount of salt, which inhibits mineral particles from aggregating. The structure of such high-sodium soils may be enhanced by treating with gypsum or lime (depending on their pH) (if their pH is acidic).

  • Silty soils

The drainage and aeration of silty soils may be improved by adding significant volumes of organic matter in compost or composted manure. It is recommended that these additives be worked into the soil in late autumn.

  • Grass

In the soil, microorganisms degrade organic matter, rapidly releasing nutrients (mineralization) and producing humus (humification).

Mineralization is the decomposition of organic materials into nutrients that plants readily digest.

Humification is the decomposition of organic materials into an earthy-smelling dark brown to a black substance called humus. Mineralization of humus occurs in stages, though at a relatively slow rate. This provides plants with modest quantities of nutrients over an extended time.

Additional suggestions for enhancing or preserving soil structure include the following:

  • Add organic materials regularly (compost or composted manure).
  • Enhance soil biological activity.
  • Adjust the pH as needed.
  • Take care not to overwork the soil. Hoe the dirt or softly flip it over.
  • Utilize mulch.
  • Utilization of the soil

It is preferable to treat sandy soils as little as possible to enhance their structure. It is suggested that this kind of soil get additions and fertilizer in the spring.

In the autumn, compact clay soils may be worked over with a fork. The big clumps will be broken down throughout the winter by alternating freeze-thaw cycles. In the spring, they may be further broken down into smaller aggregates to achieve a granular structure. Avoid overworking well-structured clay soils.

Never work clay soils that are too dry or too moist. They harden and shatter during dry seasons and compress readily during rainy weather. When clumps break apart when pressed, this is the optimal moment to work such soils.
