10ACTIVITY # 3 . COMPLETET ME!Directions: Complete the paragraphs by arranging the jumbled letters inside theparentheses. Write your answers in your notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.(1.) ________________ (oibculelemo) is any large molecule that is produced by a livingorganism, including large macromolecules such as proteins, polysaccharides, lipids andnucleic acids. (2.)_________________ (drahyobcartes) are probably the most abundantand widespread organic substances in nature, and they are essential constituents of allliving things. It is the major source of energy for the body. These are simple sugar, starchand cellulose. It contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They may be classified into(3.)_______________ (cchasedirsanomo) disaccharide and polysaccharide..Biomolecules called (4.)____________(sdiilp) that have the “job” of storing energyfor later use. It is also found in hormones and cell membrane components. It hasdifferent structural types such as carboxylic acids or fatty acids, (5.)_____________(tricedesrilgy) or neutral fats, steroids, and waxes.(6.)_____________________ (roptnies) are made up of the elements carbon,hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur. The building blocks of proteins is (7.)__________________ (minoa cidsa). There are 20 amino acids found in human protein,only 11 can be synthesized by the body and 9 have to be supplied by the foods we eat.Amino acids are organic molecules that contain two functional groups: a basic NH2amino group and an acidic- COOH (8.)___________________ ( bocarilcyx ) acid group.When two amino acids react with each other in an acid-base reaction, a (9.)_________________ (ptpeide) is formed. Longer chains are called polypeptides and chainsof 50 or more amino acids are called proteins. Proteins are characterized by theirprimary, secondary, tertiary and (10.) _____________________ (yrterquana).(11.)_____________________ (cleinuc sadic) are molecules that code for hereditarytraits by controlling the production of protein. Like proteins, it is are long chain ofpolymers consisting of simpler units or (12.) ______________ ( mersonmo). There are twokinds of nucleic acids: DNA, or (13.) _______________________ (bonrdeoxyileicuc) acid;and RNA, or (14.)__________________________(nucboleicri) acid. DNA found mainly in thecell nuclei contains the genetic information that codes for the sequences of amino acidsin proteins. RNA is found in many places in the cell and carries out the (15.)_________________ (ntsyishes) of proteins

Sagot :

1. biomolecule






7.amino acids




11.nucleic acids




pakitama kung may mali thank you! godbless