Directions: Define the following terms use.
1. Transmission line
2. Service meter
3. Product certification
4. Department of trade and industry
5. Ventricular fibrillation
6. Electrocution
7. Transformer
8. Renewable source
9. Power plant
10. Distribution line​

Sagot :


1.A transmission line is used for the transmission of electrical power from generating substation to the various distribution units. It transmits the wave of voltage and current from one end to another. The transmission line is made up of a conductor having a uniform cross-section along the line.

2.service meter is the point where the utility's responsibility ends. Any repairs required in the service drop or service meter are made by the utility with no charge to the customer. However, any problems beyond the service meter are the customer's responsibility.

3.Product certification or product qualification is the process of certifying that a certain product has passed performance tests and quality assurance tests, and meets qualification criteria stipulated in contracts, regulations, or specifications (sometimes called "certification schemes" in the product certification ...

4.The Department of Trade and Industry is the executive department of the Philippine government tasked as the main economic catalyst that enables innovative, competitive, job generating, inclusive business, and empowers consumers.

5.Ventricular fibrillation (V-fib) is a dangerous type of arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat. It affects your heart's ventricles. Your heart is a muscle system that contains 4 chambers; the 2 bottom chambers are the ventricles. In a healthy heart, your blood pumps evenly in and out of these chambers.

6.Electrocution is death or severe injury by electric shock, electric current passing through the body. The word is derived from "electro" and "execution", but it is also used for accidental death.

7.A transformer is defined as a passive electrical device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through the process of electromagnetic induction. It is most commonly used to increase ('step up') or decrease ('step down') voltage levels between circuits.

8.A renewable resource, also known as a flow resource, is a natural resource which will replenish to replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption, either through natural reproduction or other recurring processes in a finite amount of time in a human time scale. electric utility generating station. : an engine and related parts supplying the motive power of a self-propelled object (such as a rocket or automobile)

10.A distribution line is a line or system for distributing power from a transmission system to a consumer that operates at less than 69,000 volts. ... A distribution line is a line or system for distributing power from a transmission system to a consumer that operates at less than 69,000 volts.

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