Directions. Write the letter of the correct answer beside the number.
1. What is the shape of the Earth as described by modern astronomy?
a. Ellipsoid
b. oblate spheroid
c. hyperboloid d. oblate spheroid
2.Which of the following can be observed of a cruising ship if the Earth is a flat disc?
It will shrink then only sail will be visible until it completely disappears.
b. It will become bigger and bigger
C. It will not change its size
d. It will become smaller until it disappears.
3. According to Erasthothenes' computations, what is the circumference of the Earth?
a. 250,000 stadia b.7.2 stadia
C. 500 stadia
d. 40,000 stadia
4. In which of the following events can the circular shadow of the Earth be observed most
a. Solar eclipse
b. summer solstice
c. lunar eclipse
d. winter
5. It is an astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the sun.
a. Geocentricism b. Heliocentrism
c. Solstice
d. Eclipse a. it contains the introduction to the study. b. ie third chapter of the research paper. c. it describes how the research is to be conducted d. it tells you how a certain recipe is to be p​