Directions: Read the BSCS Teachers Respond to Global Pandemic By: Maria Lailany L. Gonzales The world is now in the midst of global crisis which no one anticipated and ever wished for. This Covid-19 Pandemic puts people around the world in such desperate and threatening situations where we don't want to be. It shows us how uncertain and vulnerable human life is that we don't really even notice or think of that much before. Thus, it gives us a painful insight that everyone of us is facing an existential danger brought about by this worldwide menace. Coronavirus is definitely here with us to stay unless a much-needed vaccine is invented by the experts. The very reason why the government decided to put us in lockdown in order to lessen the spread of the virus. Because of this, there are many things that we were unable to do and our daily activities are put into stop. Such an unusual circumstance made us appreciate the essentiality of everything in this world. 1. What is the present problem faced by the world as stated in the article? 2. What does the government do to lessen the spread of the virus? 3. Who decided to turn to the potential benefit of gardening? 4. Why do they consider it a way to help in the present crisis? 5. How can you be of help to others during a pandemic or other difficult situations?