1. What does the liver do to help digestion?
a. Makes important enzymes
b. Neutralizes stomach acid
c. Produces bile
d. Regulates insulin
2. Which of the following is a function of the gall bladder?
a. Produces bile
c. Stores and concentrates bile
b. Stores crystals
d. Produces cholecystokinin
3. Where does most of the digestive process take place?
a. Stomach
b. Large intestine
c. Liver
d. Small Intestine
4. How does food move through your digestive tract?
a. By gravity
b. By cilia
c. By wavelike muscle contraction
d. By chemical absorption
5. After food is chewed it passes to the
a. small intestines
c. large intestines
b. esophagus
d. stomach
6. The organ where digestion and respiration cross is the
a. Mouth
b. Nose
c. Pharynx
d. Gall bladder
7. Which of the following processes turns food into a new form that cells can use?
a, chewing or mastication
c. Peristalsis
b. Churning process
d. Enzyme action
8. From the esophagus the food enters into the
a. small intestines
b. cecum
C. stomach
d. pancreas
9. Food that mixed with gastric acid is now called
a. enzymes
b. acid
c. chime
d. bile
10. Which of these enzymes is not found in the small intestine?
a. Ptyalin
b. Nuclease
c. Amino peptidases
d. Steapsin
11. The salivary enzyme that partially digests carbohydrates.
a. Pepsin
b. Ptyalin
c. Amylopsin
d. Steapsin
12. This is a long tube, twisting tube that runs from the mouth to the anus
a. small intestines b. digestive system
c. esophagus d. appendix
13. The first part of small intestine is called the
a. duodenum
b. cecum
c. ileum
d. jejunum
14. These are naturally occurring compounds that have the ability to neutralize unstable free radicals that can cause cellular damage.
a. Probiotics
b. Antioxidants
c. Minerals
d. EFA
15. Food poisoning is caused by eating contaminated food. How can it be prevented?
a. Cooking meat and poultry thoroughly
b. Washing fruits and vegetables before eating or cooking them
c. Storing food properly
d. All of the above
16. Which of these best maintains intestinal health?
a. Starches
b. Vitamins
c. Fiber
d. Fat
17. Microbes are
a. proteins that further help to break down food particles.
b. enzymes
C. glands
d. bacteria
18. This is produced in the liver and then it is stored in the gall bladder.
a, bile
b. enzymes
c. microbes
d. acid
19. The exit point for fecal materials,
a. anus
b. colon
C. rectum
d. appendix
20. The organ where final digestion and absorption of food takes place.
a. large intestine
b. small intestine
c. rectum
d. stomach
21. The small fingerlike organ located where the small and large intestines join.
a. Sphincter muscle
b. Appendix
c. Epiglottis
d. Ileum
22. An enzyme that is secreted by the chief cells in the stomach and break down protein to small
a. pepsin
b. trypsin
c. bile
d. nuclease
23. An enzyme in the pancreatic juice that will act on nucleic acid - rich foods that will break them
down to nucleotide
a, pepsin
b. trypsin
c. bile
d. nuclease
24. Which of the following organic nutrients is not absorbed by capillaries in the
intestinal villi?
a. Glucose
b. Amino acid
c. Galactose
d. Maltose
25. The fluid in your mouth is called
a. enzyme
b. saliva
c. blle
d. chime​