Write 5 guidelines to writing a Good Plot Summary

Sagot :

Answer:Summarizing Longer Texts (more than ten pages)

  • Summarizing Longer Texts (more than ten pages)Outline the text. Break it down into its major sections—groups of paragraphs focused on a common topic—and list the main supporting points for each section.
  • Summarizing Longer Texts (more than ten pages)Outline the text. Break it down into its major sections—groups of paragraphs focused on a common topic—and list the main supporting points for each section.Write a one or two sentence summary of each section.
  • Summarizing Longer Texts (more than ten pages)Outline the text. Break it down into its major sections—groups of paragraphs focused on a common topic—and list the main supporting points for each section.Write a one or two sentence summary of each section.Formulate a single sentence to summarize the whole text, looking at the author's thesis or topic sentences as a guide.
  • Summarizing Longer Texts (more than ten pages)Outline the text. Break it down into its major sections—groups of paragraphs focused on a common topic—and list the main supporting points for each section.Write a one or two sentence summary of each section.Formulate a single sentence to summarize the whole text, looking at the author's thesis or topic sentences as a guide.Write a paragraph (or more): begin with the overall summary sentence and follow it with the section summary sentences.
  • Summarizing Longer Texts (more than ten pages)Outline the text. Break it down into its major sections—groups of paragraphs focused on a common topic—and list the main supporting points for each section.Write a one or two sentence summary of each section.Formulate a single sentence to summarize the whole text, looking at the author's thesis or topic sentences as a guide.Write a paragraph (or more): begin with the overall summary sentence and follow it with the section summary sentences.Rewrite and rearrange your paragraph(s) as needed to make your writing clear and concise, to eliminate relatively minor or repetitious points, and to provide transitions. Make sure your summary includes all the major supporting points of each idea. The final version should be a complete, unified, and coherent.
