1. Which of the following statement is correct A. You should panic when earthquake hits B. You should run while the earthquake is going on C. You should not follow what the proper authorities will tell you D. You should prepare an emergency plan to cope with the disaster 2. What should you do during an earthquake? A. You should run out of the house. B. You should duck, cover, and hold C. You should panic and stay only inside the house D. You should lock your door so that nobody can enter 3. What should you do after an earthquake when you are in a building? A. You should panic B. You should run while going out C. You should walk fast in moving out D. You should lock the door so that nobody will see you. 4. What should you do after an earthquake? A. You should go to your neighbor. B. You should prepare your emergency kit C. You should ignore what is happening outside. D. You should stay in the evacuation center. Avoid going back to your house, aftershocks may occur. 5. Which should NOT be done during an earthquake? A Do not run. B. Stay calm and in control. hold