1.The prophet who calls for a complete change of heart.
2. It marks the beginning of the penitential Lenten season.
3. The king who had a conversation with God through a dream.
4. The prophet who appealed to the people to change to let the justice prevails.
5. The Savior that will redeem us all from sin and "create a new heart".
6. It is a time of repentance, fasting, and preparation for the coming of Easter.
7. The wealthy man living in a land called Uz with his large family and extensive flocks.
8. These are collections of moral truths filled with figures of speech, satire, wit, and riddles.
9. It contains numerous sayings whose theme messages is as old as the Sumerian civilization. *
10. It describes a new form of social and political order. It is open to everyone who desires to enter, no matter what their situation in life is.