why do we need to orient guests on the house rules and use of hotel tools, materials, equipment, and other amenities?​

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AMENITIES Knowledge about the hotel and its facilities, amenities, and services offered isimportant in carrying out day-to-day activities as a guest room housekeepingattendant. As discussed in previous lessons, sometimes a housekeeping attendantmay be required to orient guests about hotel rules and regulations, amenities, andequipment available. Thus, he or she needs to be able to communicate thiseffectively. The basic role of a housekeeping attendant is to maintain the cleanlinessof hotel surroundings, whether in rooms or in public areas. However, there may betimes when a housekeeping attendant is directly asked by guests about the servicesof the hotel and other specific needs. Hence, a housekeeping attendant must beknowledgeable about hotel rules and regulations. This is for the housekeepingattendant to grant requests of the guests guided by hotel rules and regulations. Partof a housekeeping attendant’s job is to impart this information when the situationcalls for it. He or she should also be knowledgeable on the hotel amenities availablefor guests.