MAHEDRAUDALVEGO MAHEDRAUDALVEGO Physics Answered PHYSICAL SCIENCE -Ancient Greeks’ Evidences of a Spherical Earth1.Which of these pieces of evidence does not support the Greek's idea of a spherical Earth? A. The North Star (Polaris) cannot be seen in the South Pole.B. The sail disappears last when a ship sails away over the ocean.C. The curvature of the Earth's surface causes the light rays to bend.D. The Earth's shadow cast on the surface of the Moon is round during a lunar eclipse.2. Which of the following describes the position of Polaris if you travel closer to the North Pole? A. It gradually disappears.B. It stays closer to the horizon.C. It doesn’t change its position in the night sky.D. It seems to rise higher and higher in the night sky.3. What causes the difference in the angle of shadows cast in Syene and Alexandria at noon during a summer solstice according to Eratosthenes? A. The depth of the well in SyeneB. The curvature of the Earth’s surfaceC. The distance between Syene and AlexandriaD. The height of the vertical pole in Alexandria4. When does the Earth cast a round shadow on the surface of the Moon? *A. During solar eclipseB. During lunar eclipseC. During winter solsticeD. During summer solstice5. What was NOT important in Eratosthenes's measurement of Earth's circumference? A. The enormous size of the SunB. The number of degrees in a circleC. The distance from Syene to AlexandriaD. The angle of a shadow cast by a vertical pole6. Who believed that spheres were the most perfect shapes and therefore all the heavenly objects including Earth must be spherical? A. AristotleB. PythagorasC. AnaxagorasD. Eratosthenes 7.Which is NOT true to happen If we are to travel from the North Pole to the equator? A.Polaris (North Star) would seem to move closer to the horizon.B.Polaris could not be seen at all further south.C.The closer Polaris seems to move closer to the middle of the sky.D.All of the above